In light of the corona crisis, Breatheology – the health and breath training platform designed by 4x World Champion Freediver Stig Sverinsen – and Airofit – the Danish health-tech startup behind the Airofit lungtrainer – are teaming up to provide free training for everyone.

Breatheology has created a free online Breath Training course and donated Stig Severinsen’s best-selling eBook to the world and Airofit has made 5000 Airofit Clinical devices (example in the picture) available for Danish citizens. The goal: giving vulnerable patients a possibility to strengthen their respiratory system before contracting the virus.

A number of recognized doctors and specialists are advocating that respiratory training can ease the impact of the virus and improve the chances of survival and recovery.

Renowned professor of respiratory physiology, Alison K. McConnell has researched the benefits of respiratory muscle training.
According to her, it is possible that respiratory training increases chances of survival for elderly and the most vulnerable patients.

This groundbreaking research has prompted 4x Freediving World Champion Stig Åvall Severinsen and founder of Danish health tech company Airofit, Christian Tullberg Poulsen to take action and make their knowledge and resources available for the public in the form of a free Breath Training course and a free eBook on breathing. The team also donated 5.000 clinical devices in Denmark and are looking to provide the health care sector with their basic device at production cost.

You can read the full Press Release here: (English) (Danish)

We recommend that you always follow the recommendations of the Health Authorities and if you are in any doubt or feel unwell or ill, please consult your own physician before beginning this training.

Breatheology & Airofit do not in any way claim that this program can cure, diagnose or prevent disease and we assume no responsibility for the use of this training.


Breath Training in the Corona Crisis

Breatheology is now donating the course and the bestselling eBook

  • Online Breath Training Course
  • "Breatheology - The art of Conscious Breathing"

Start strengthening your respiratory muscles and build up your immune system.

Download International Edition


Åndedrætstræning til hele Danmark

Breatheology donerer i samarbejde med Gyldendal og Airofit

  • Kurset "Åndedrætstræning i Coronakrisen"
  • Den danske udgave af Breatheology bogen “Træk Vejret – mere energi – mindre stress”
  • 5000 lungetræningsenheder til risikogruppen
Hent dansk udgave og læs mere