Welcome to the Breath Hold Challenge
Get ready to rumble and hold your breath!
It is my mission to make the world breathe better, one person at a time – And what is a better way to learn about breathing than through a fun challenge?
For the next seven days, you will get in touch with the most important reflex of your body – the urge to breathe.
We breathe between 20.000 – 30.000 times a day. Yet we hardly pay any attention to it. This is about to change.
Are you ready to do your first breath hold?
Prepare yourself by getting up early in the morning and keeping a timer nearby – You are going to need a stopwatch to track your “zero dive” breath hold.
I encourage you to post your very first breath hold in the Facebook Breath Hold Challenge Group. This breath hold time will serve as a baseline.
At the end of the week, you’ll compare your breath hold with this one. After all – that which is measured, improves.
You (and your friends) will be shocked what you can achieve in just one week!
When will the tips be released?
The fun is about to begin and I hope that you will hold your breath every single day this week (6 days in total).
- Day 1 (Today): Baseline “Dive” Time
- Day 2: Tip #1
- Day 3: Repeat Exercise from Tip #1
- Day 4: Tip #2
- Day 5: Repeat Exercise from Tip #2
- Day 6: Final Max Dive & Celebration
- Day 7: Announcing the winner
To help you track your progress make sure to download the breath hold sheet below now and stick it on your wall.
Download The Breath Hold Note Sheet to easily keep track of your times
Breath Hold Note Sheet
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