Official Treatment for PTSD & Addiction at Cedars
Stig’s teachings have been officially approved as a treatment for addiction and PTSD by Cedars Rehabilitation Center, Cobble Hill, BC, Canada
Endorsed by the World Health Organization
The WHO has requested Stig Severinsen to provide them training & daily exercises to keep their staff healthy during today’s health & mental challenges
Hold Your Breath!
Exciting collaboration between Stig & Niraj
(pssst.. Niraj is also joining this Masterclass as well as lecturing)

Holding your breath is more than a game that children play in the bathtub. It’s an integral part of the ancient tradition of pranayama, and the main purpose of the exciting sport of freediving.
Stig Severinsen’s quest for the perfect breath hold to smash world records have led him to travel to India to train under three different yogi masters, and combine their traditional knowledge with his experience as a top athlete & sports coach.
Stig’s teachings have proven their worth in helping people rehabilitate faster from PTSD/Anxiety, deal with daily stress, boost the athletic performance of Olympic gold-winning athletes and help Navy SEALs increase their mental power and keep calm in stressful situations.
In this Masterclass, Stig will go in-depth with human anatomy, mental triggers, psychology and communication and all the aspects of breathing & breath holding and has been designed to let you adapt this knowledge to your line of work and expertise and is complimentary to Soma Breath and Niraj’s teachings.
You Breathe Between 20.000 & 30.000 Times A Day
Did you know that the majority are not using their lungs to their full capacity?
This is a shame because if you do not utilize your breath, you are waving goodbye to extra energy and other benefits in your daily life
As a Soma Breath practitioner, you know how you can regulate your body, mind, nervous system and stressful or other difficult situations in your life through conscious breathing.
What if I told you that there was a whole other side to breathwork? A yin to the yang? ☯️
Master the Breath & Breath Hold

✓ More Energy
Feel more energetic at will and improve your sleep
✓ Less Stress
Reduce anxiety with breathing & meditation exercises
✓ Increased Focus
Clear your mind for better decision-making
✓ Better Workouts
Optimize your training and recovery through breath
Application is free & non-binding

Stig’s teachings help me not only to help healthy people to be healthier but also it helped me to destress people qualified as ‘senior’ and we know that right now.
I’ve learned from Stig so many powerful tips that are helping me and others everyday, I only can be thankful for what I’ve learned.

Since the workshop I gave myself a few months to really practice and experience the Breatheology method to make it part of myself before offering it to others, and I feel myself becoming better and better with every session I give.
Meet Stig Severinsen
Hi there!
I am Stig Severinsen, a 4x world champion freediver and multiple Guinness World Record holder.
Over the years many people have reached out to me to help them teach the Breatheology Method and implement it in their business.

Now you have the opportunity to let me personally guide you through the ins- and outs of the Breatheology framework.
After completion of the 8 week program and passing the exams you are qualified as a certified Breatheology Instructor and have the confidence to go out in the world and teach.
Due to the personal nature of the training, I only teach ONE Instructor Class each year.
If you are serious about changing your life and that of others, here is your chance.
I can’t wait to meet you…
Stig Severinsen
P.S. If you are new and not yet familiar with the power of the breath hold, I invite you to watch my TEDx lecture “Breath Holding is the New Black”.
TEDxOdense “Breath Holding is the New Black”
Unpacking The Masterclass
Online Training and Coaching Calls
The masterclass is an intensive 8 week training combining video eLearning with weekly video conferences, Q&A calls with a double examination at the end. There will be a “Student Accountability Group” so you can train with like-minded students from around the world.
What You’ll Learn
- Basic breathing anatomy and physiology
- Mental triggers and the connection to breathing
- Breath-holding explained and trained; The Mammalian Dive Response
- Faster rehabilitation and recovery via breathing and imagery
- Psychology and communication from a breathing perspective
- CO2 Tolerance; how to build it up and why it is relevant
- Extensive training and skill development in the “Push Method” and when to employ a “Soft” approach (e.g. PTSD/COPD/Asthma/Fear, Anxiety/Stress), when to employ a “Hard” approach (e.g. Military, Athletes, Business Individuals, etc.) and when (and how) to mix the “Soft” & “Hard” approach
- A deeper understanding of both theory and practical exercise execution using “Mental Tools” in the area of Flow & Mindfulness (Positive Psychology) plus the ability to link “body-mind” connections to strengthen/rehabilitate both
- Group training: accountability partners and weekly exercises
Weekly Conference Classes (Q&A)
To speed up your learning and support the video/group training we host a weekly video conference class with Stig Severinsen exclusively for the workshop, where we go deeper into specific exercises.
You can ask any questions related to the training and receive direct coaching from Stig Severinsen himself (which normally would cost you thousands of dollars!)
Examination (Optional)
You will complete both a written and a verbal examination that tests your ability to demonstrate the exercises, coaching skills and adaption of Stig’s Breatheology teachings to various client types, at the end of the program to become certified.
There will also be mandatory weekly assignments that are shared within the group to be discussed during the weekly calls.
Kate (Profile)
“If you want to open the magic door into your life, I would recommend this course with Stig because it is really really exciting and to great benefit to you”
Lou (Profile)
“It is an investment financially, for sure, but the dividends and the paybacks will cover that in a heartbeat!”
Ioana (Profile)
“We practiced all the breathing techniques that help you to improve your life, your health, things that I also use to for my health condition, and to teach other people”
Aidan (Profile)
“That is one of the most proudest accomplishments of my life, so far, being able to call myself a Breatheology Instructor”
What’s Next?
After this 8-Week Breath & Breath Holding Masterclass with Stig Severinsen, you have the skills and license to implement the method in your own training and business.
You join a global network of like-minded breathwork specialists and become a vital part of the bigger mission of helping the world breathe better.
We connect on a high level with like-minded individuals and exchange knowledge and real-life feedback to grow your knowledge and expand your business.

What’s Included:
- The eLearning Course: Breatheology Teacher Training
- 8 Weekly Conference Classes (Q&A) by Stig Severinsen and Team
- Instructor Student Community Access / Accountability Groups
- Access to all Breatheology courses, including Breatheology Essentials and Advanced
- Breatheology eBook – the Art of Conscious Breathing
After Completion You Receive:
- A Signed Completion Certificate*
- Branded Teaching Material
- Listing in the Instructor Index on*
- Access to the Partner Program – Commission Program on Breatheology books and courses
- Pre-recorded Breatheology Workshops
- Access to the global Breatheology Instructor Network
* Requires passing the certification exam (optional)

Are You Next?
Stig developed the Breatheology Method developed over 10 years ago and it has proven itself over and over again – helping thousands of people from all over the world live happy, healthy lives.
This October, you can play a leading role in the breathing revolution and help people you know and serve witness the many amazing benefits of better, more conscious breathing.
It will be truly one of those events where afterwards you think to yourself: “Where has this been all my life?”
So, take a deep breath and buckle up for the breath journey of a life time!
Frequently Asked Questions
As part of the program, you have read the book “Breatheology, the Art of Conscious Breathing” and completed the Breatheology Essentials and Advanced Courses.
You’ll receive access to this material for FREE when you reserve your seat – which is why recommend signing up early so you can start your education right away and
focus completely on the Instructor Program
Yes. if you have completed all assignments and passed the theoretical and practical exams, you’ll receive a signed certificate.
Expect to invest about 5-8 hours of studying each week plus the weekly one hour call
The Instructor Certification is valid for 2 years.
After the 2 years, you will have to renew your certificate and meet the re-certification requirements to ensure you are still active as a Breatheology Instructor.
This course is designed to be completed in 2 months with a final exam at the end of the course.
No. Because there are limited spots for each Instructor Program session, there are no refunds available.
There will be weekly homework assignments during the program
If you miss a week, you can get the opportunity to catch up but in order to pass the final examination, all assignments have to be completed.