Building Connection through breathing

When you fall in love with someone for the first time, it will definitely not go unnoticed. Your heart rate goes up and you start breathing faster when you are near or think about this person.

This is the kind of love that we are familiar with. You see it over and over in Hollywood movies, songs on the radio and in magazines. 

Like your bodily symptoms, we call this type of love rapid fire. What if there was another type of love that often follows it. One that simmers gently and develops over time.

When love becomes a slow burn, it opens the opportunity for a couple to build a stronger connection, more intimacy and trust. Unlike a blazing fire that can be put out by rain, it flows like magma under the crust of the earth.

To help you and your partner cultivate your love, we are sharing two breathing exercises.

Breath of Love

This is a great exercise to do when you can’t be together at the time and want to amplify that feeling where you are soaring in the clouds.


  1. Sit in a comfortable, seated position with your hands on resting on your knees
  2. Gently breathe in and out
  3. Take a deep breathe into the belly and count to 3
  4. Think of a person that you feel great love towards and allow this love to flow through you
  5. Hold the image of this person in your mind’s eye for up to 4 seconds
  6. Breath out gently for up to 6 seconds and imagine love is filling the room

Circular Breathing

Breathing together is a powerful way to build intimacy and connection. It can help mend a fracture between to people and allow both to remind themselves why they are together.


  1. Lay down or sit together, facing each other
  2. Each of you take three separate deep breaths
  3. Synchronize the breathing so that both inhale and exhale simultaneously
  4. Pause your breath and start your inhale when your partner exhales

You have now created a flow where you and your partner complete the cycle of breathing together

Breatheology - Couple Breathing And Holding Hands


Did you enjoy these exercises and would like to learn more relaxation, visualization, breathing and breathing exercises to improve your health, increase your energy, release stress and strengthen your mental resilience?

Check our Valentine’s Day Specials for our Breatheology ESSENTIALS course

A Gift For You

Give yourself the gift of better health, sleep and performance with indefinite access to the Breatheology ESSENTIALS Course 

A Gift For Your Valentine

Give your valentine the gift of better health, sleep and performance with indefinite access to the Breatheology ESSENTIALS Course