Free eBook and Breath Training video course

Breatheology feels that everyone should have access to breathing knowledge during this crisis. That’s why we are now giving Stig Severinsen’s best-selling breathing eBook and a specially crafted Breath Training course for free

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Available eBook languages: English, German, Portuguese, Chinese, French, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Russian & Danish

Respiratory experts agree that training the lungs through breathing exercises help in the fight against the COVID-19 virus.

“Based on an abundance of existing research into the benefits of respiratory muscle training for patients with lung and/or heart disease … makes it less likely you would require intensive care (mechanical ventilation) if/when you become infected with COVID-19.” – Professor respiratory physiology Alison K. McConnell

What do we offer?

Exercises that strengthen your lungs

Stig Åvall Severinsen has developed the Breath Training in Corona Crisisvideo course which is made available free of charge via the health and training platform

In addition, Stig’s best-selling book – Breatheology – The Art of Conscious Breathing – is available free of charge in PDF format.

The video course and eBook contain exercises and invaluable background information that teach you how:

  • Stay calm and become relaxed – even under uncomfortable and challenging circumstances
  • Reduce your stress levels and boost your immune system
  • Stretch your lungs to breathe more efficiently – even when fallen ill
  • Strengthen the lungs and increase stamina for a stronger breath

Free eBook

Breatheology – The Art of Conscious Breathing

Learn the Breatheology Method – The Art of Conscious Breathing. The Breatheology Bestseller in eBook format.

Each chapter in the book will show you how you can breathe more efficiently, strengthen your respiratory system and many benefits you can gain through conscious changes in your breathing habits.

Available languages: English, German, Portuguese, Chinese, French, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Russian & Danish


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Free Video Course

Breathing Training in the Corona Crisis™

This course is divided into 3 lessons and a bonus lesson if you have an Airofit breath trainer:

  • Mental Balance & Clarity
  • Flexibility & Stretching
  • Strength & Stamina

Each lesson contains several exercises to help you become stronger and more resilient in general – especially in relation to strengthened lung function and increased immune system.

We advice that you always follow the recommendations of the Health Authorities and if you are in any doubt or feel unwell or ill, please consult your own physician before beginning this training.

Breatheology & Airofit do not in any way claim that this program can cure, diagnose or prevent disease and we assume no responsibility for the use of this training.

Sample video

1:2 Breathing (Relax on Demand)

1:2 Breathing is one of the most effective and useful breathing tools you will learn. It’s very easy and anyone can do it!

Do you want more exercises like this?

[thrive_2step id=’43823′] Yes - I want this course [/thrive_2step]

The Science

A number of recognized doctors and specialists are advocating that respiratory training can ease the impact of COVID-19.

Renowned professor of respiratory physiology, Alison K. McConnell has researched the benefits of respiratory muscle training.

According to her, it is possible that respiratory training might increase the chance of surviving COVID-19 for elderly and vulnerable patients. At the same time, respiratory training in the group may ease the pressure on intensive care capacity and the need for ventilators in particular.

“Based on an abundance of existing research into the benefits of respiratory muscle training for patients with lung and/or heart disease, it is reasonable to assume that strengthening your breathing muscles now, makes it less likely you would require intensive care (mechanical ventilation) if/when you become infected with COVID-19. This would mean a reduction in the demand for mechanical ventilation within the healthcare system, freeing-up a scarce resource. More importantly for you, not requiring mechanical ventilation makes it much less likely that you would not survive COVID-19 infection.”, says Professor Alison K. McConnell

This groundbreaking research has prompted 4x Freediving World Champion Stig Åvall Severinsen to take action and make his knowledge and resources available for the public in the form of a free Breath Training course and a free eBook on breathing.

Who is Stig Severinsen?

Stig Severinsen, MSc Biology & PhD Medicine, 4x Freediving World Champion, Multiple Guinness World Record Holder, Founder of Breatheology®

As someone who has made breathing his life, Stig Severinsen felt strongly that it was his responsibility to share his knowledge with the world.

That’s why the best-seller book “Breatheology – The Art of Conscious Breathing” and the specially crafted Breath Training in Corona Crisis are now available for FREE – for a limited time.

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FREE eBook and Breath Training Course

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