Asthma is a common inflammatory disorder of the airways. Some of the symptoms related to asthma are coughing, wheezing, tightness of the chest and shortness of breath. There is no permanent cure, but the symptoms can be managed by removing the triggers.
Asthma Relief
Improve your breathing and regain control
Asthma has become increasingly more common in the last few decades. Affecting over 339 million people worldwide, more and more is becoming known about what causes asthma and what you can do to live a better life if you suffer from it.
There is a wide variety of factors that contribute to asthma, including genetic, physiological and environmental factors. Our lives have become more stressful, resulting in all kinds of bad breathing practices such as shallow breathing and mouth breathing.
Over the years, research on yoga and pranayama in relation to asthma has given credence to the notion that we have lost in touch with our natural way of breathing, and that conscious, slower breathing can be beneficial.
The Buteyko breathing technique
Buteyko breathing is a series of breathing exercises first formulated by the Ukrainan physiologist Konstantin Buteyko in the 1950s. Dr. Buteyko assessed that many of the modern ailments are a result of chronic hyperventilation and can be cured by slowing down our respiratory rate.
Many of these principles are also present in hypercapnic training – one of the Breatheology Tools. Slowing down your breathing increases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood (hypercapnia).
A small amount of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream is beneficial. It widens the blood vessels, allowing more efficient transport of oxygen. It also is known to open up the airways, which great news for asthma patients, as the condition causes the airways to become narrow and inflamed.
Carbon dioxide is also a signalling molecule and plays an important role in the regulation of our breathing cycle. As asthma attacks can occur as a result of heavy exercise where the body is unable to properly regulate a healthy breathing pattern, building CO2 tolerance trough breath holding exercises.
How to strengthen your lungs with asthma
If you are an asthma patient, you likely do not have a positive relationship with your lungs. Doing breathing exercises to train your lungs may be scary at first – but exercises to strengthen your lungs can be very helpful in diminishing the symptoms of asthma.
Asthma has many different causes, although in the end it can all be chalked up to a chronic loss of control over your breathing, resulting in what is called an asthma attack
The good thing is that regular exercise of yoga and diaphragmatic breathing will translate into better breathing habits, reducing the risk of your body overreacting to triggers.
The exercises in the Breatheology Method help you relax and activate the rest and digest system.
Furthermore, by training your diaphragm, you strengthen your lungs, slow down your breathing and decrease the need for oxygen.

Breath is the key to Asthma Relief
Conscious breathing helps you gain back control over your breathing. As an asthma patient, it is easy to lose regulation of breathing as a result of a trigger. Training your breathing strengthens the lungs and keeps you calm, even at situations where you normally would not.
Learn how to build up a breathing regime that builds resilience and relief to asthma. Asthma has many different causes – training how to breathe better and strengthen your lungs means your body will get enough oxygen, even when the cause of asthma is not clear. The Fundamentals course gives you directions on how to improve your breathing – step-by-step – and has helped many people find relief from asthma and its symptoms.
The Breatheology Method
We benefit our clients by understanding who they are as individuals and their unique needs. Our mission is to serve the global community by helping them become healthy and better in all aspects of being.
To achieve our mission, our method consists of three profiles: Optimized Performance, Strengthen Health and Improve Resilience.
By assessing our clients across these profiles we get a strong picture of their dynamic needs and goals. The benefits from our Method are derived when we choose the right tool for the right person at the right time.
This allows us to work with a variety of breathing modalities to help align the mind and body and begin to “rewire” and manage the Autonomic Nervous System to move the client in a positive direction eventually bringing them to a “Flow State”.