Georgios Argeratos
Georgios is the co-founder of The Holistic Awareness Center (HAC) in Miami and Athens. He practices the Alexander technique, the Breatheology method and the energy medicine program Healing Touch, as well as his own “HAC method”, which is the quintessence of all his techniques and aims at balancing our whole being.
Georgios works with everyone who wants to improve their breathing, their motor skills, their everyday well-being and the psychology behind everything they do. He suggests ways to limit pain and injuries, to function without stress in daily activities and he treats the mind, the body and the spirit as one organism that can achieve psychosomatic balance, leading to an easier, happier life.
Growing up in Greece, snorkeling, free diving, spearfishing and scuba diving are activities that many children, teenagers and adults practice, especially during the summer.
Georgios was also very excited to dive underwater with his mask, eager to communicate more with this colorful and quiet world- the only thing that was keeping him back was the limit of his breath.
Later on, when he decided to become an opera singer, the optimal use of the diaphragm, the longest possible exhale and in general the function of the respiratory system became an obsession for him.
After he graduated with a BA in Opera Performance, Georgios moved to NY, and while searching for alternative ways to support his performance as a singer, he came across the Alexander Technique. As Georgios experienced easiness in his movement, and an “awakened life” free of stress, injuries and pain, he decided to study the technique- 3 years later he graduated as a certified instructor (M.AmSAT) from Balance Arts Center in NY.
Georgios’ passion for breathing techniques remained alive and strong, and this is how he found Stig’s Severinsen book, he read it and he was struck not only by Stig’s personality, his records and achievements, but also by the techniques, the ancient knowledge behind our first reflex, the training and the solutions that Stig shares generously through his book.
He decided to apply so he can become a Breatheology Method instructor. A year later and after an amazing learning experience that culminated in Y-40 (the deepest pool in the world), an hour away from Venice in Italy, Georgios received his certification from Stig’s hands.

Georgios Argeratos
Certified Breatheology Instructor™Miami, FL, United States
Athens, Greece (2nd location)
Languages: English, Greek